12 December 2005

to which side does it hang?

i once had a theory that mens' penises hang to the side opposite to their main hand: if you are right-handed, it hangs to the left; if you are a left, it should hang to the right. quickly, somebody disproved my theory and the reason why penises hang to one side or the other has remained a mystery for years.

after an interesting conversation on this, i did an internet search this morning. i didn't find any hard evidence (no pun intended!) but this random site made the following poll:

Question: When you stand up, does your non-erect penis hang to the left or right at all?

Options Percentage
no — it hangs straight down 56.7%
it hangs to the left slightly 27.2%
it hangs the right slightly 15.3%

there is a disclaimer that this was an internet poll and a doctor said that this and other statistics in the site are not reliable... but i guess it's useful to satisfy people's curiosity.

and for those of you who are still curious, here is the real reason why a penis might bend to the right or to the left:

Penis curvature normally develops simply from the organ's internal structures growing to unequal size, a condition that's quite common. In fact, it's rare for a man's penis to be perfectly straight.

and my roommate thought it was because people wear briefs (as opposed to boxers) since they are kids and that "compresses" the muscle and makes it bend!!


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