15 November 2005

most random webpage ever

i can't think of a more random website that i've come across with in my entire life. i was curious about what's happened to my former school in mexico and decided to browse the web and see what i found... and i found some great pictures:

together with the following testimonial:

“Tengo 59 años y llevo 2 años tomando Anti-Edad®. Me siento y me veo mejor que hace 20 años. Las dolencias que comencé a tener hace 10 años han desaparecido, mi piel y cabello se ven mucho mejor, tengo mas claridad mental y he aumentado mi masa muscular de manera espectacular. Nunca terminaré de agradecer a Anti-Edad® todo el bienestar que ha traído a mi vida.”

which basically says that she's 59 years old and she's been taking this anti-age treatment for the past two years and her overall health has improved spectacularly, from her hair and skin to her muscular mass, as the pictures attest.

the crazy thing is that this is my elementary school principal!!!

i doubt i will ever have that much muscle... damn, i'd better start that anti-age treatment!


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